Monday, November 9, 2009

Context for chapter one

Research on line to find the historic context necessary for us to understand what Voltaire is making fun of in chapter one.

You must research the topic assigned to the first letter of your last name.
Post the following information on your research:
a. What did you learn?
b. What do you think Voltaire is humorously criticizing through this topic? Explain.
c. Cite where you found your information.

Westphalia A, B
Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh C,D
Marrying based on generations of nobility H, J
What makes a Lord important? K, L
What is a Baron/baroness? M, O
Cunegonde P, Q
Pangloss R, W
"All is for the best" philosophy S, T, Z
experimental physics W, X
metaphysico-theologo-cosmonigology E, G,


  1. Candide:
    Research-(Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh)

    1.Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh is a minor character in the novel Candide. He is the greatest baron or noble(lord) during this time according to his son, Pangloss. He lives within the castle of Westphalila with his Pangloss and his daughter, Cunegonde. Candide is the illegitimate(parents arent married) son of the Baron's sister. During the novel, Baron "expels Candide from his castle when he sees Candide kissing Cunegonde; is considered a possible representation of Frederick the Great."

    2. Voltaire is humorously criticizing the Baron because it almost seems like Thunder-ten-tronckh thinks way to highly of himself and could most likely resemble an immodest persona. Voltaire has symbolized Baron to be apart of this satire theme. The satire could clearly refer to his son believing Baron is the the most powerful Lordship of his time. Voltaire can also be critizing his standpoint within the novel and his resembles to the main characters.

    1. This is incorrect. The castle is Thunder-ten-tronckh and the country (or whatever) is Westphalia. Pangloss is not the Baron's son.

  2. (1.) A baron or a baroness both is the members of the nobles, they were the lowest level, in the b0ok Candide. Barron is just basically a feudal vassal holding a certain amount of land under his care direction from the king. The baroness is just the wife of the baron. But she also had a baronial title that belonged to her.
    (2.) The Voltaire is humorously critizing the fact that such low class people have such a power in their country. Also how “the baron was one of the most powerful lords in Westphalia” (Voltaire 15.) Voltaire could be critizing the amount of power that they had in society. So it was like the lowest people had the most power in society. In the book it also said that as they would walk on the streets and as they walked past people they would greet them with “My Lord” (Voltaire 15).

  3. a.
    A Lord is important if he has control and power over other people. A Lord is respected by others and people greet him as "Lord".

    Voltaire humorously criticizes the Baron because he thinks he should have the best; therefore, he thinks he is the best. He lives in a fancy castle, and people listen to him when he speaks which gives him more reason to think he's powerful.


  4. A)A lord is a man who is in a high ranking in a feudal society, like a king. The lord has money and power. He gets to control those who work for him or lives by his rules. He's respected by others calling him Lord (blank).

    B)Voltaire is humorously criticizing through this topic that the lord is a higher class than peasants. He's criticizing that there's social hierarchy because you don't need to call someone Lord(blank) unless that person is highly respected and powerful like a king.

    C)Second paragraph last sentence on page 17 shows how lords are respected through people's actions and reactions to the lord.

  5. Research-metaphysico-theologo-cosmonigology

    The word metaphyisico-theologo-cosmonigology is NOT an exact word. I can't seem to find the definition of this absurd word at all in the internet. Although, I did find some clues in the book (Voltaire 18) and one website that this word is related to optimisim (that everything in this world is all good).

    Voltaire is making a satire of this topic with the name metaphysico-theologo-cosmonigology alone. As I have learned in question A, this word is not an exact word; there's no definition at all. In the book Candide, Pangloss is the tutor that taught Candide this metaphysico-theologo-cosmonigology, he taught Candide that everything in the world is all good and perfect (Voltaire 18). Just by using this fake word shows that Voltaire is making a satire of Pangloss's teachings. It shows that his teachings are all non-sense.

    2. The book Candide in page 18

  6. A) I realized that some of the words Voltaire uses are made up. He says that Pangloss taught metaphysico-theologo-cosmonigology(Voltaire 15),Voltaire made this proffession up. While I was researching I discovered that Candide means female and another swebsite mentioned dazzling white.
    B)Voltaire is using satire(humor)of his made up proffession.By saying that Pangloss taught metaphysico-theologo-cosmonigology to Candide, this shows that what Pangloss is teaching is a bunch of bologne.If metaphysico-theologo-cosmonigology was real, then he was teaching Candide something useful. Therefore, Voltaire is humoring his readers by informing them that Pangloss is a big joke as is Candide.

  7. A. The word metaphysico-theologo-cosmonigology does not have a true meaning. The word did describes something about optimism in chapter 1 (Voltaire 18). Even though this word has no meaning it is taught to Candide by Pangloss, in saying the world is perfect (Voltaire 18).
    B. Voltaire is criticizing the intelligence of Candide. When Pangloss tutors Candide he teaches him that everything in the world is perfect (Voltaire 18). This then shows that Candide did not notice the little things in the world, and that he was also raised around perfection. This also shows that Candide was blinded to the outside world, which he had no experience to what was going on.
    C. 1.
    2. The book Candide

  8. Research: Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh

    a)What did you learn?
    Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh is the owner of the castle in Westphalia. Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh is the greatest baron in the province of Westphalia; he is most powerful. He is also the father of Cunégonde. When Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh witnesses Candide embracing his daughter, he expels Candide from his castle.

    b)What do you think Voltaire is humorously criticizing through this topic? Explain.
    I think Voltaire is humorously criticizing the power of authority through Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh. In the book, Voltaire names Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh "His Lordship the Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh"; this criticizes how the Baron is aggressive, and boastful of his power. A lord has wealth, power, and fame; thus Voltaire is criticizing how the Barons acts all mighty with their power, thinking they can do anything. When Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh expels Candide from his castle, it shows that the Baron is showing his power, and that the castle belongs to HIM. Voltaire is overall, criticizing that the Baron thinks too highly of himself.

    c)Cite where you found your information.

  9. 1) Thunder-ten-trockh lives a very extravagant life in a beautiful palace. His is married to the Baroness and has a daughter named Cunegonde. Thunder-ten-trockh is also a baron who kicks Candide out of the house because Candide kissed his daughter. The Baron and his family display a lot of pride in noble heritage. He resembles Fredrick the Great. This resemblance is because both the Baron and Fredrick the Great treat a person poorly. The Baron treats Candide poorly and Fredrick the Great treats Voltaire poorly. Germany and Fredrick, also, treat Voltaire poorly.

    2) I believe that Voltaire is humorously criticizing the Baron families pride in noble heritage through this topic. The Baron family believes that they were naturally born superior to others. For example, the Baron's sister refused to marry Candide's father because he only carried seventy-one quarterings, while she carried seventy-two. The quarterings refer to noble lineages which Candide's father is short of by one. The Baron's sister had so much pride in her noble heritage that she wouldn't marry the man that bore her child because of it. This exaggeration displays the nobility's concern over the subtleties of birth look absurd. The author, Voltaire, uses exaggeration of this sort throughout the novel to show the warped reasoning and the extreme degree shown due to the warped reasoning.

    Voltaire also satirizes the harsh sounds of the German language, "Thunder-ten-Tronckh". The Baron resembles Fredrick the Great, who had a close connection with Voltaire. Knowing this, we wonder why Voltaire would humorously criticize a character that resembles someone he had a close connection with. The reason would be that Voltaire was poorly treated poorly in Germany during the end of his visit to Fredrick the Great. In Frankfurt, he was under arrest for several weeks, hassled by authorities, and had money box taken away. Being treated so poorly, Voltaire decides to humorously criticize Fredrick through the character Baron Thunder-ten-Tronckh in his book. Also, the setting of the story takes place in Westphalia, or Germany, where the pronunciations would be understandable. Voltaire uses the harsh pronunciations of the German language to create a ridiculous name for the person he had a close connection with, displaying his humorous criticism on this topic.

    3) "Chapter 1-4." Sparknotes. 10 Nov. 2009. /section1.rhtml

    "Chapter 1- How Candide Was Brought Up in
    a Noble Castle and How He Was Expelled
    From the Same." Pink Monkey. 10 Nov.

    "Summaries and Commentaries-Chapter I:
    Candide's Background and First
    Misfortune." Yahoo Education.
    10 Nov. 2009.

    "A Candid Rendez-Vous with Reality in
    Voltaire's masterpiece, Candide or,
    Optimism." 10 Nov. 2009.,+Candide+or,+Optimism&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a

  10. Research-Cunegonde

    1. The meaning of the name Cunegonde is "Brave, war", and it is a french wor or name.Cunegonde is the daughter of a German barron. She was a helper or a tutor for Candide, and she knew that Candide liked her. She was an innocent, young and beautiful girl that was corrupted after her dad's castle was destroyed at war. She was taken advantage of and she learned bad habits. She looked at life in a different way,and it seems that she lives her life by the saying" survival of the fittest".

    2.Voltaire is critisizing how Cunegonde is a rediculus name for a girl that doesnt cause problems in society. Coegonde is described a alluring and simple.


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. a)The teaching about metaphysico-theologo-cosmonigology (Voltaire 18) is all about living in the best of all possible worlds. This means that we live in peace and that is what Voltaire is saying by the teaching metaphysico-theologo-cosmonigology. Leibniz made the fraze "living in the best of all possible worlds" and that relates to optimism because it is your opinion and something like that in usally a lie. My topic has no real deffinition but according to wikipedia it means to live in the best of all possible worlds meaning Westphalia because it is like a paridise.

    b) Voltaire is critizing the fact that there was war going on all over, more in the americas though. It is critisizing that Westphalia might seem a paridise and the rest of the world is in war. Westphalia is a paridise and Pangloss says that they live in the best place on earth showing how Westphalia is a paridise and the rest of the world is in war.


  13. Research :Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh

    A). In the novel Candide, Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh is Baron. Baron is a character in the novel, who has a very nice castle in Westphalia. Baron has a beautiful daughter named Cunegonde and wife Baroness. In Thunder-ten-tronckh there lives a young man named Candide, who the servants of the castle think that Baron’s sister is his mother. In the novel Baron happens to see Candide and his daughter Cuengonde kissing which he calls the “cause and effect” kicks Candide out from the castle.

    B). Voltaire is humorously criticizing Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh in his novel. The reason why Voltaire is criticizing him because he is a high class society doesn’t make him seem like he was more power, the low class society seem like they have more power. Voltaire example of satire is an example of Baron son saying that he has the most power during this time, but now it doesn’t seem that way in the book.

    C). The book Candide.

  14. 1)Baron Thunder-ten-terockh is a wealthy nobleman. A baron is a nobleman. The baron is in a high social class and lives a wealthy life. He is married to the baroness and has a daughter named Cunegonde(Voltaire 17). In the book, Candide there is a gentlemen who lives in Thunder-ten-terockh's castle. Candide and Cunegonde kissed eachother and Thunder-ten-terockh rapidly kicked Candide up until he left the castle. Cunegonde fainted at seeing this occur. The baroness, Cunegonde's mother slapped her as soon as she woke up(Voltaire 19).

    2)In my opinion, Voltaire is criticizing the diverse social classes in his book Candide. Baron Thunder-ten-tronchk is a wealthy man living in a luxurious castle. As soon as his daughter, Cunegonde and Candide kissed, the baron disrespected Candide as a human being because he forced him out of his house with kicking him(Voltaire 19). Candide is in a lower rank then they are. Candide's father isnt as "wealthy" as the baron is; they are in a lower class then the barron's(Voltaire 18). This shows the distinct social classes in Voltaire's time period. This is also shows how a higher social class treats a man from a lower social class. Voltaire is criticizing the barons because the barons feel they have the authority to treat Candide as they wish just because they are in a higher social class then Candide is. Voltaire criticizes the social classes.

    First Question- Voltaire pages 17 and 19
    Secound Question-Voltaire pages 18-19

  15. "All is for the best" philosophy
    a. This philosophy is from Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's Theodicy. He says that everyone's place is where it is because God balanced it out. It is the best it will ever be because God created the world like this for a reason. Voltaire showed the character Dr. Pangloss repeating that "we live in the best of all possible worlds" over and over again.
    b. Voltaire is humorously criticizing Dr. Pangloss. Voltaire is saying that Pangloss is naive and unreasonable because he believes that God created everything for a reason and that everything is the best it can be. Voltaire got the name Pangloss from the word "Panglossian" which means naively or unreasonably. Voltaire created Dr. Pangloss to say that things are in the best of all possible worlds repeatedly in his book. He is naive and unreasonable because he keeps teaching everyone about it and keeps trying to prove it to get everyone to believe it.
    Candid 15-16

  16. A. A baron/baroness is a person with a significant amount of power and to a limit, of authority. Though they are ranked in the nobility, they are in the lowest grade. This means that even though they have influence, their power is restricted. In Britain, they are known for owning land in consent of the king and for being members of the House of Lords.

    B. Voltaire ridicules how poor and ignorant society is through barons/baronesses. Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh was labeled so because his "castle" had a door and windows (Voltaire 17). The baron obviously didn't have a castle; it just seemed like he had one compared to the rest of Westphalia. The village paid an abundant amount of respect to him by laughing at all of his jokes and calling him "My Lord" (Voltaire 17). The village treated the baron so well because he was the closest they had to rich. They had no idea that he had the least power out of all the noblemen. Voltaire made Thunder-ten-tronckh a baron because he wanted to portray how low class the village was and how little they knew on the rest of the social hierarchy.


    Candide by Voltaire

  17. A.
    metaphysico-theologo-cosmonigology- does not have a meaning.
    Dr. Pangloss tutors the baron's son and Candide in metaphysico-theologo-cosmonigology. Pangloss contracts syphilis from Paquette and loses an ear and a nose. Then he is hanged as part of an "Auto da Fé" ("act of faith"), but not properly. The person who takes his body resuscitates him. He winds up in the galley of a slave ship and is freed by Candide. Up to the end, he still professes a belief in optimism.
    Voltaire is criticizing this doctor’s teaching on a word that does not even exist.

  18. 1) The way Germans associate to the word, Cunegonde, is brave, tribe, clan, fight. It is also a French name associated to Bravery and war. In the book Candide, there is a girl named Cunegonde. She was the daughter of a German Barron. The Barron's castle gets invaded and Cunegonde is taken as a servant. She later learns bad things and betrays Candide for her own benefits.
    2) I believe that Voltaire if humorously criticizing how a weak and dumb girl could be givena name with such great respect. She is a prisoner and she didn't do anything to deserve that name.

  19. 1. Westphalia is one of the many regions located in Germany. It is located between the rivers of Rhine and Weser and it is south of the Ruhr River. As well as being the center of Germany’s many cities, Westphalia also has a population of 18 million, thus making it Germany’s most populous region. Westphalia is most known for the Peace of Westphalia, a peace treaty that ended the Thirty Years’ War, which occurred in 1648.

    2. In Chapter One, Voltaire is humorously criticizing Westphalia and all who come from it, in this case, nobility. Voltaire is criticizing the knowledge and ideas of higher power and authority. This is shown, as Candide’s mother has a strange and unusual thought process, as she does not marry her husband, due to the fact that he could only prove seventy-one generations of nobility in his family. Voltaire uses this exaggeration to show how common sense gets twisted. Voltaire is saying that Westphalia is a breeding ground for hypocrisy.

  20. 1. There is obviously no word or study called “metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology”. This word is a portmanteau, words that are created by mixing two or more words. If the word were taken apart, most of the pieces would be related to science or religion. In the book Candide, Pangloss, “the greatest philosopher”, teaches metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology and he proves that the Baron’s castle was the most beautiful and the baroness is the best possible baroness of all (Voltaire 18). This means that metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology deals with proof which is similar to science and evidence. He also talks about how that everything in the world is made for the best purpose, and everything is necessary (Voltaire 18). This “study” can also teach that each effect came from a cause (

    2. Through this silly portmanteau, Voltaire humorously criticizes science. The word “metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology” is mostly related to science. According to Pangloss, everything is made for a reason and it is based off proof. Science is the explanation of how the world works, why certain things are made, and the results are based off proof. Pangloss was also teaching science to a chambermaid; meaning metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology and science are related. His proof for why the Baron’s castle is very beautiful is because “the greatest baron in the province must have the finest residence” (Voltaire 18). This is not real proof or evidence, but just assumptions and personal opinions/ thoughts. It doesn’t even have any reasoning. Voltaire uses “metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology” to show that science is full of nonsense and is just for fun. To him, science is not real.

    3. A. Candide (specifically page 18)

  21. A) A baron/baroness is a person that has a high significance of power, but to a limit of authority. In other word, they have influence, but it’s restricted to a certain level. A baron is also the lowest level of nobility. In Britain, a baron is a land owner under the control of a king.

    B) In the book Candide by Voltaire, he is humorously criticizing the fact that the baron’s castle in Westphalia wasn’t much of a castle. On page 15, it says that the barons “castle” had doors and windows. This is a humorous criticize because Voltaire said that it had doors and windows, when a castle is supposed to have more high class things. This is like saying that his home was the only home with doors and windows. On page 15 again, it says that the town’s people were loyal to him because he told good stories. It’s because he was the most high powered out of all of them.


    Candide by Voltaire

  22. What did you learn?

    a. I learned Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh owns a castle in Westphalia and he is one of the most powerful lords in Westphalia. Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh is considered a funny storyteller and society refers to him as ,“my lord.” When Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh discovers Candide and Cunegonde kissing; he becomes furious and expels Candide out of his castle.

    What do you think Voltaire is humorously criticizing through this topic? Explain.

    b. Voltaire is humorously criticizing Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh. On page 15, the Baron is one of the most powerful lords in Westphalia, for his castle with a door and many windows. Candide is the Baron's bastard nephew. On page 17 Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh discovers Candide and Cunegonde kissing and drives Candide out of his castle. Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh does not want his daughter to marry Candide because Candide is not ranked high in the social hierarchy. This shows people in the upper class stay with the upper class people and not with people in the other classes. Voltaire is criticizing Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh's power over society and how the social systems function.

    Cite where you found your information.


  23. "All is for the best" philosophy

    A. "All is for the best" mainly means that everything that happens is just for the better. Pangloss [Candide's mentor] tells his mentee that "...since everything was made for a purpose, everything is necessarily for the best purpose." [Voltaire, 16] This quote further supports the belief that everything happens truly for the best.

    B. Voltaire is mainly criticizing the philosophy "All is for the best". Voltaire's criticism goes against this philosophy. In Chapter 1, Lady Cunegonde coincidently comes across Pangloss' science class and learns a few ideas. After this, she goes back to the castle. On her way back, she sees Candide; he gives her a kiss. Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh sees this sight and slaps Cunegonde. Voltaire is trying to prove that this philosophy is not true. The baroness slapping Cunegonde would be considered an "evil" deed and this is most definitely not "for the best". Voltaire is mainly trying to say that not everything is for the best.


  24. Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh is a lord and a character in thr book candide. He owns a castle in Westphalilia. He has a daughter names Pangloss. Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh expels Candide when he catches Candide with his daughter.

    Voltaire criticices that Baron thinks to highly of himself. He thinks he can get away with anything, but when Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh expels him from his castle. It shows his true power.

  25. Westphalia-
    a. Westphalia is a province of Prussia. It is the tenth in size of the provinces of Prussia with the third most population. A little bit more than half of the population are Catholics, and the rest are Evangelicals. The highest industries are agriculture, breeding of cattle, mining, and manufactures. 53.4% of the people make their living in mining and manufacturing industries. Possible reasons for the name Westphalia: fal means horse, and fale means inhabitant of a lowland. Westphalia seems to have gone through much cultural diffusion and went through many beliefs and leaderships. Considering the amount of changes in the religion that's followed, it can be assumed that a lot of effort is put into the the citizens' beliefs.

    b. Voltaire is using satire with the concept of Westphalia. The fact that Westphalia is the tenth in size of the provinces of Prussia only is a criticism to the philosophy of Pangloss. For him to think that "all is for the best" and to only live in such a small place compared to the world, shows that he's closed-minded. How does he know all is for the best if he lives in such a small fraction of the world? The answer to that question shows satire by Voltaire. There's also satire in the fact that baron's have so much power where they're not mentioned to have religious power in the chapter. It'd be assumed that religion can relate to power because of the effort put into finding a religion.

    this source got its information from-
    SCHULZE, Heimatskunde der Provinz Westfalen (Minden, 1900); PRUMER, Unsere westfalische Heimat (Leipzig, 1909); SCHUCKING and FREILIGRATH, Das mater ische u. romantische Westfalen (4th ed. Paderborn, 1898); Gemeindelexikon von P reussen, X (Berlin, 1910); LUDORFF, Die Bau und Kunstdenkmaler der Provinz Westfal en, I-XXX (Münster, 1893-1910), with historical introduction; Westfalisches Urkundenbuch, I-VI (Münster, 1847-98); Veroffentlichungen der historische n Kommission fur die Provinz Westfalen (10 vols., 1898-1908); Zeitschrift fur vaterlandische Geschichte und Alterskunde (Münster, 1838-1910); Westfalen, I-III (Münster, 1909-1911), a periodical; VON STEINEN, Westphalische Geschichte, I-V (Lemgo, 1755-1801); KLEINSORGEN, Kirchengeschichte von Westphalen i-iii (Münster, 1779-1780); ZAUSCH, Kirchengeschichte der Provinz Westfalen (Breslau, 191 0); SCHMITZ-KALLENBERG, Monasticon Westfaliae (Münster, 1908); KAMPSCHULTE, Geschichte der Einfuhrung des Protestantismus im Bereiche der jetzigen Pr ovinz Westfalen (Paderborn, 1866); KELLER, Die Gegenreformation in Westfalen u. am Niederrhein, I-III (Leipzig, 1881-95); GOCKE, Das Konigreich Westfalen (Dusseldorf, 1888).

  26. assigned:

    a. There is no given definition of metaphysico-theologo-cosmonigology. According to the book, Pangloss teaches metaphysico-theologo-cosmonigology. By the way it is described in the book, I get the feeling that it is basically a way to say that somethings were meant for each other. It says that legs were made for breeches and that noses were made for spectacles (Voltaire 18). A result for this word when serached came linked me to sprknotes. Sparknotes says that metaphysico-theologo-cosmonigology is the best of all words. Since it is used to describe that everything has its place, and it represents perfection, perhaps it is the study of optimism.

    b.Voltaire is critisizing the way people let hope get the best of them. Candide and Lady Cunegonde listen very attentively to Pangloss while he is teaching metaphysico-theologo-cosmonigology (Voltaire 18). They listen and beleive every word he says. There are other people in this world, including Pangloss who teach science. Although these people teach science and prove their theories, they still choose to allow themselves to beleive that there is this perfection.

    source 1

    source 2
    Candide by Voltaire page 18

    source 3

  27. A) The narrator makes up the word metaphysico-theology-cosmonigology which is supposedly what Pangloss is teaching. He states "everything was made for a purpose, everything is neccessariy for the best of purpose" (Voltaire 18). However, the real word that fits Voltaire's stated definition is philosophical optimism. This means that "all is for the best" (Voltaire 18), which is stated in the book. This is self explanitory, which means that everything in the world was made for the best intentions even if it is bad thing.

    B)The author humorisouly critsized the actual topic of metaphysico-theologo-cosmonigology. This word is not even a real word, and what Voltaire makes fun of is Pangloss teachings. He humorously critisizes Candide because during the next chapter he is beaten and lets himself be beaten by the regiment which is also the military. Since Pangloss taught him that everything was done for the best, Candide thought it was the for the best of him.

    Voltaire. Candide. new York: Dover Publications Inc, 1991.

    My Brother

  28. Research: Cunegonde.
    A) Cunegonde is described as a beautiful seventeen year old woman. Her name means ‘Brave, War’ but used as a French name, and she isn’t very intelligent or complex. Her father is a German baron. She is also in love with Candide. Cunegonde also witnessed Doctor Pangloss doing an “experiment” to her mother’s Chambermaid. In other words see saw them having an affair. She then gets temptations to do something similar with Candide. She is very attentive and likes to “experiment” with things. The baroness saw them together and kicked Candide out and slapped Cunegonde. Her Father’s castle is then destroyed, and many merchants take her and make use of. Her life changes, but then she learned many evil things and goes against Candide.

    B) Voltaire is making fun of Cunegonde for doing the rash the decision of staying with Candide. She isn’t very intelligent but gets things because of her attractiveness. He is also criticizing that names can’t describe someone who isn’t that. It is mostly personality that describes you.

    Book: Candide by Voltaire pages :18-19

  29. A. A lord is a person who has power and authority over others. A lord has a rank and higher position. This is what makes a lord special because they are different than others. A lord has leadership and great power in something.

    B. Voltaire is humorously criticizing social hierarchy through the topic of lords. “The baron was one of the most powerful lords in Westphalia, for his castle had a door and windows” (Voltaire 17). This quote criticizes social hierarchy because it says most powerful lords. That shows lords have power. Lords having power means there is a social hierarchy. A lord is a person who has power and authority over others. Since the lord has power, he is different by having a door and windows for his castle.

    Candide by Voltaire Chapter 1, page 17

  30. (1.) Cunegonde is a character in the book Candide. The name has a historical background. The name Cunegonde was of a woman who was killiked in 1012 for showing chastity in a trial. But, in Candide, Cunegonde is not chaste.
    (2.) Voltaire is criticizing how Cunegonde is not chaste and her name contradicts the historical backgrounds towards it. Voltaire shows this by explaining what Cunegonde did behind the screen with Candide (Voltaire 19). When Cunegonde drops her hankerkief, Candide takes Cunegonde's hand as he kisses it, and their hands wandered (Volatire 19). This shows how Cunegonde is not chaste and Voltaire criticizes how woman who are alluring, as he describes Cunegonde, are not chaste. (Voltaire 18)

  31. A.The topic metaphysico-theologo-cosmonigology (Pg 18 Voltaire) is a belief that all is best for the world. This topic expresses the philosophy of extreme optimism and that anything you do is considered done good for the world. There is no real definition for the topic metaphysico-theologo-cosmonigology, it is just a belief that you must be very positive and know that everything you do is considered the best that can be done for the world.
    B. Voltaire is humorously criticizing the main character of Candide through this topic. He is criticizing Candide to show he has very little knowledge on the world around him. If he is taught that everything he does is best for he world then he would do nothing wrong in his life and be perfect. Oviously this shows that Candide does not know right from wrong or good from bad.
    C. I found my information from:

  32. What did you learn?

    Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh, one of the most powerful noblemen, owns a castle in Westphalia (Voltaire 15). Baron is the father of Cunégonde and has a nephew, Candide. He was later killed because of an attack on his castle.

    What do you think Voltaire is humorously criticizing through this topic? Explain.

    Voltaire is humorously criticizing society’s ignorance. Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh’s castle is said to have windows and a door (Voltaire 15). This seems to make Baron one of the most powerful noblemen in Westphalia. Any person that has a house with windows and a door is considered middle classed, but Baron’s “castle” that also has windows and a door considers him to be powerful. Baron’s halls are also decorated with tapestry (Voltaire 15). His castle was adorned with regular decorations which also considered him to be powerful. The society clearly doesn’t know what nobility consists of.

    Candide by Voltaire

  33. 1. After viewing over multiple sources on the context of this chapter in particular of the book Candide by Voltaire; I have learned something i would not have known if not for online research. During this time in the authors native country France, many problems ensued the nation. Problems such as an earthquake that ravaged through France and left much devastation. Society was deeply entrenched in the idea that everything that happened was the work of God. No matter how evil disaster seemed, it was all for the best in the eyes of the most genius of that time period.

    2. Voltaire is criticizing the ideas of many philosophers of that day in age. In this chapter a philosopher named Pangloss is being particularly aimed at for his views of society. Pangloss teaches that since everything was created for a reason it is there to serve a good positive reason. The quote "since everything was made for a purpose, everything is necessarily for the best purpose" (Voltaire 18) best describes this. Naive and unreasonable this man blindly views everything whether good or bad as good; demonstrating complete bias. Voltaire views these ideas as complete none scene and see's a world beyond God. Where good events are good and bad events are bad, no higher power involved.


  34. A. The philosophy "All is for the best" means that everything happens because that is the best possible outcome. This philosophy involves being optimistic about situations, things could potentially be worst. Even if something bad happens something worse can happen then occurred. Everything present in a situation is there for a purpose. Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz’s idea was that God was perfect so everything that he created was also considered to be “perfect”.

    B. Voltaire is criticizing the philosophy with saying that when one is being too optimistic, it can’t be considered good. He mocks the idea of the world being “perfect” because he doesn’t accept the idea that God is. There’s a limit to being too optimistic. Candide was lucky to be living in a beautiful castle and to be able to listen to Pangloss’ teachings. He found Cunegonde to be very attractive because he thought she was beautiful. Although Candide did take to consideration that he lived of good fortune, he was happy living under the conditions he did that he didn’t realize the consequences of his actions after kissing Cunegonde (Voltaire 17). Being happy and optimistic about his good fortune blinded him for what could’ve happen for kissing the baroness daughter. This is criticizing that being optimistic isn’t good because of a possible consequence but its expressing the idea that what occurred could’ve been much worse than just being kicked out of the castle.
    C . Candide – Voltaire

  35. Research - Marrying based on generations of nobility

    1. Marriage based on generations of nobility is about women being married to men with a high class family tree. “…whom this lady would never marry because he could prove only seventy-one generations of nobility, the rest of his family tree having been lost, owing to the ravages of time.” (Voltaire 15). Candide’s mother couldn’t marry his father due to the fact that his family tree could only be traced through seventy-one quarterings. “seventy-one quarterings” is the number of divisions on a coat of arms. This indicates the degree, or lack thereof, of a person’s worthiness in terms of aspiring to the highest social station in society.

    2. Voltaire is humorously criticizing through this topic by the class of lords. He is saying that women aren’t attracted by men that has no full noble background. Men with absolute power with generations of nobility are the only ones that is considered for marriage. Candide’s mother couldn’t marry his father because of the seventy-one generations of nobility in his family tree (Voltaire 15). We also see Voltaire’s satire in the early start of the book.

    Candide: Voltaire page 15

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. a)Cunegonde is the French version of the German word/name kunigunde. Kunigunde is made up of 2 German words which mean "brave" and "war". In the book, Cunegonde is the daughter of a German baron who also happens to be Candide's benefactor. She is describes as a young and beautiful young woman throughout the book. Many men used her as a mistress after her father's castle was destroyed in a war. She is not intelligent nor complex as a person. She falls deeply in love with Candide in the book. She would betray him though if it were for her own benefit.

    b) Voltaire is humorously criticizing the women of his time. Cunegonde means war and brave. In his time women were considered to be the complete opposite of that. Women were not considered to be fit for war and were not thought of as brave. Cunegonde is actually a coward if she would betray her love for her benefit. That would be disproving the meaning behind her name. She is also used by many men as a mistress, that doesn't make her very brave. Voltaire is trying to criticize on how many things mean the complete and total opposite of what their name implies.


  38. Candide Chapter 1 :

    Research - C - Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh

    A - The Baron is the most powerful lord in Westphalia. The Baron's castle seems to be the most valued, since he has a door and windows. His daughter is Lady Cunégonde, Better known as the most beautiful lady in Westphalia. The Baron seems to weigh about 350 pounds. The Baron also seems very protective around daughter.

    B - Voltaire is criticizing How the Baron is full of himself, and powerhungry. Voltaire even states that he has a lot of self esteem, while weighing 350 pounds. I found this humorous since someone at his physique would feel that way. He is also powerhungary since he seem to be protective of his daughter; letting go of his daughter would mean a new lord. A new lord means the baron is out of power. The way he thinks his house is so fancy just because it has a door and window is also humorous; honestly every house has a door and window, what makes his house so classy? Voltaire obviously thinks low of this character.

    C -

    Candide it's self

  39. Topic- Marrying based on generations of nobility

    a) Women would have marriages based on generations of nobility. In the book, Candide's mother would not marry his father becuase he could only prove seventy-one quarterings and could not prove the rest. Quartering would determine a person's ranking in society.

    b) Volatire is humorously criticizing the way women acted back then. Women didn't basically care who you were, or where you came from. If you were high in the social class, they would want to marry you. Candide's mother did not want to marry his father because of the seventy-one quarterings he only had. During Voltaire's time, the maximum amount of quartering was sixty-four. There is how you see Voltaire was criticizing the actions of women.


  40. A. I learned that Westphalia is a historic region in Germany. It is center of several cities in Germany and is also surrounded by three different rivers and is in-between two. There are about 4.3-8 million inhabitants on this region. A peace treaty was finalized on 1648. This was what Westphalia was well-known for since it ended the thirty years war.

    B. I believe Voltaire is criticizing the power of the baron and the teaching of Pangloss. Pangloss believes that this world is the best of all possible worlds when Westphalia is a small part of everything around them. How could he possibly prove that this idea of his is true? In this first chapter, it is pretty clear that the baron's family is very wealthy. Also, when the Baron catches his daughter and Candide sharing a kiss and viciously gets rid of him. Most likely this was because Candide is of the lower class and the baron doesn't want his daughter associating with any man among that level of class.


  41. A. Westphalia is a province located in Prussia. Westphalia's population is around a third of the population of all of Prussia and yet it's one tenth of the size of it. More than half the population is catholic and the rest is evangelical, a sect of protestant christian. Westphalia was a main mining site of coal around the industrial areas in Prussia. In Westphalia the industries besides mining also include agriculture, cattle breeding, and manufacturing. Westphalia was also the site for the Peace of Westphalia treaty that had ended the Thirty Years' War. Based on all the things that had happened to Westphalia with the treaty, war, religion, it's safe to say that this province is pretty stable to be changed so much by other things. Even when Napoleon took it over, the area lets itself be changed and it hardly affects it.
    B. Voltaire uses the concept of Westphalia's size and population to create his satire. Candide states in the book, "... to listen to Dr. Pangloss, the greatest philosopher in the province, and therefore in the whole world." (Voltaire 16) The satire is that Westphalia is a really small place, only a tenth of all of Prussia, yet it contains 33% of the population. To Candide, that's alot of people. To Candide as well, Dr. Pangloss is the best philosopher in the province making that the entire world to him having so many people in a small place. The whole world to Candide is Westphalia because it has so many people in such a small area so that's why he says the exaggeration of the whole world. That is Voltaire's satire.

    Loffle, Klemens. "Westphalia." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 15. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1912. Nov. 2009

  42. Marrying based on Generations of Nobility
    a.) I learn that Candide’s mother won’t want to marry Candide’s father because of his level in society. She knows that if she marries that good and honest gentleman in the neighborhood, the family tree would lose their power and authority in the society as nobles soon. She knows that the man can’t produce any higher nobility powers and that’s why Candide’s mother was not married.
    b.) I think Voltaire is humorously criticizing about the nobility background and power people have in this time of the book. Voltaire made the number of divisions of coat of arms up to 71 when the maximum in that time was 64. He did this to really show the classes of nobility and power they have. People who don’t have a powerful background would not be considering doing anything. Just like Candide’s “father”, he can’t let the family tree go higher in the ranks and Candide’s mother won’t even think of marrying him.

  43. 1. People during the 1750’s emphasize that generation effects marriage. If the family doesn’t have royal blood; they are not allowed to marry people that does. An example of that is stated, “…whom this lady would never marry because he could prove only seventy-one generations of nobility, the rest of his family tree having been lost, owing to the ravages of time” (Voltaire 15). The women’s family tree is not noble as her lover’s family tree so they cannot marry each other.

    2. I think Voltaire is humorously criticizing is that women during the 1750’s in Europe did not care who they marry. They only view their social class. If one is very high in social class, many women including both high and low social class would want to marry him.

    3. 1-

  44. A) A lord is someone who is in a higher social class; they have a lot of power and authority over their citizens.They are as well very wealthy. They live a luxurious life They have control over a certain towns and the people who work for them. They earned respect from their citizens.

    B) Voltaire is trying to criticize that the lords are no different than a regular person. They tell stories to make others laugh which is like normal to a peasant. Even though, they are rich; they should be weighted the same as a peasant since they are very similar in a way. . The lord do not have full control over a country or a reign. They might not help the country in a way. So a lord is kind of unnecessary in a social hierarchy.

    Candide by Voltaire - Page 17

  45. 1) Experimental Physics is having the thoughts about the world based on observation and information gathered; it can be experimented. Candide’s tutor, Pangloss taught metaphysico-theologo-cosmoniglogy (when it’s not even a word) to Candide (Page 18), he used one of his example of Lady Cunegonde to support it. When Candide listened to Pangloss, he thought of Lady Cunegonde was extremely beautiful.
    2) Voltaire is humorously criticizing the topic experimental physics. Usually, a physic theory can be experimental but Pangloss demonstrated using something that’s related to his own opinion and it can have many different answers. Voltaire criticize how some experimental physic can have more then few answers yet people stay with what they’ve been told.

    -Page 17 of Candide

  46. A. A lord can be another word for a monarch or king. A lord also can be represented as someone in a high status, a person that is in a very high hierarchy. They hold great power, great authority, and hold many rights that people in the low hierarchy do no have. They have such similar powers to a king, they can command people as they wish.

    B. Voltaire is humorously criticizing power and authority, social hierarchy, and also the appearance of certain things. “The baroness, who weighed about three hundred fifty pounds, thereby winning great esteem, did the honors of the house with a dignity that made her still more respectable” (Voltaire 15). It shows social hierarchy and appearance, because the baron which is the lord, “The baron was one of the most powerful lords…” (Voltaire 17), Voltaire dictates the word “three hundred fifty pounds” and “winning great esteem.” “Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh happened to pass by the screen; seeing this cause and effect, he drove Candide from the castle with his vigorous kicks in the backside” (Voltaire 17). The Baron which is the lord, is using power on Candide, by giving Candide “vigorous” kicks.

    ~Candide by Voltaire: Chapter 1 page 15
    ~Candide by Voltaire: Chapter 1 page 17

  47. A.) I learned that Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh is a well-known noblemen who owns a castle in Westphalia. According to Pangloss, he is the greatest baron in Westphalia and should be referred to as "His lordship." He is the father of a beautitful Daughter named Cunegonde, who is caught kissing Candide, who is a man of lower rank. Thunder-ten-tronckh then expells Candide from entering his castle ever again.

    B.) What Voltaire might be criticizing through Thunder-Ten-tronckh is the power that he has. The man Pangloss must call him "His lordship" because he must have a great amount of power to have that title. The baron was able to expell Candide from his castle.It is possible that he did that to make a statement that he should not be messed with. From that, you can see that he maybe wants to be feared, which is wierd because nobody likes to be feared.

    (Also, his name sounds funny, which may be humorous)


  48. 1. I learned the meaning of conegonde. Conegonde means bravery and war. In the book, the name is kind of contradicting because of its meaning and the person who has the name, since the name is condsidered as a meaning bravery and war.

    2. I think that Voltaire is critizing the woman of this time. It seems like since Cunegonde is not brave, or maybe even fit to be in a war, he is targeting all woman when saying that. Since he is saying about her, he might try to use that against all woman, like maybe trying to label that the men were not equal and so they were higher and the meaning of cunegonde.

    Candide (Voltaire 17-19)

  49. W- experimental physics
    W- Pangloss

    a. Experimental physics originated in the middle ages and was used to explain physical behavior of nature. It was first established during the scientific revolution by physicists like Galileo Galilei; Newton's laws of motion contributed to experimental physics as well.

    a. Pangloss is a scholar who teaches Candide that the world is "the best of all possible worlds". The adjective "panglossian" comes from this character who viewed situations with unwarranted optimism.

    B. Through the topic of experimental physics Voltaire is humorously criticizing sexual intercourse. Candide is caught in the act of tutoring "experimental physics" with Cunegonde's mother's chambermaid causing Candide to be booted from the castle.

    B. Through the character Pangloss, Voltaire is humorously criticizing the theories of Leibniz. Dr. Pangloss is a loyal follower of Leibniz, Voltaire created him to get across the message that Leibniz's philosophy should not be taken seriously.



    2. analysis/


  50. a. The power and authority a Lord has over people is what makes him important. A Lord owns land, holds a high position in society, and has the power to influence other people.

    b. Voltaire is humorously criticizing social hierarchy. He says that the baron was one of the most powerful lords because he has a castle with doors and windows. Everything worked in his favor. When needed, the dogs became a hunting pack and the baron's grooms became huntsmen (Voltaire 17). Because the lord had a castle, he was called "Lord" and was respected for it. Voltaire is criticizing this social hierarchy because the "Lord" is powerful and highly respected in society just because of the land and property he owns.

    c. Candide by Voltaire

  51. a) Marriages in France were based upon how many generations of nobility the family can prove. In order to gain more power nobles would marry into families to create a support system. A person had to be granted nobility for them in their entire family for generations to come in order to be regarded as a true noble. There must be substantial evidence that an ancestor was granted nobility or the title would be completely useless. People who did not meet up to the requirements of a noble were forced out of their Estates. In order to appear more attractive for marriage, the family must have an extensive noble history.

    b) Voltaire is criticizing the importance of family status during this time. He does this by using an understatement and exaggeration. Seventy-one generations of proven nobility is a very long time. Voltaire makes it seem like it is not worthy enough for marriage even though throughout recorded history, the baron and his family have been nobles, but the rest of his family tree was not known (Voltaire 15). This apparently does not matter since the only way to be a real noble is to have evidence of being granted nobility.


  52. Research Topic:Cunegonde
    A: Cunegonde is literally translated as "brave in battle". Cunegonde is a made up character. She is describe as a beatiful young women who is not intelligent nor complex.
    B: Voltaire is humorously criticizing the French army. Voltaire names the dumb character in "Candide" Cunegonde. This shows that he feels the French army is mindless. Cunegonde is slapped after being kissed by Candide. This shows that Voltaire feels that France and its army is like a child that is pushed around.


  53. a. The quote "all is for the best" taught me that Voltaire through Candide wanted to go against the thought of God. The thought of God believing and making everyone and everything in the world perfect and that people who seem to be evil aren't. Voltaire uses Candide and makes him go through evil things in life to prove the belief of God wrong. Voltaire wants to prove that wrong using the quote "all is for the best" saying that thigns happened for a reason and it will work out in the end.
    b. Voltaire is critizcing Pangloss. He critizces Pangloss's teachings and how blind he is when he gives advice to Candide. Pangloss sees everythign perfect and great when he thinks about the baron and baroness and critizces his ignorance.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Experimental Physics:
    A. I learned that experimental physics is when you observe things to think about the world. Experimental physics can be very complicated experiment or a very simple one. I also learned that physics used to be referred to as philosophy.

    B. Voltaire was criticizing experimental physics. He could be laughing at experimental physics because Lady Cunegonde and Candide were studying physics, and then, they had chemistry. He could be laughing at this because it kind of shows irony.

    Candide 15-17.

    A.I learned that Pangloss is one of the smartest philosophers. He said that everything was made for a purpose.

    B. Voltaire can be laughing at Pangloss’ explanations for things. He said that everything was made for a purpose, and used examples like noses are made for glasses. Voltaire can be laughing at that because not everyone wears glasses just because they have a nose.

    C. Candide 16.

  56. A- I learned that Pangloss is when someone is overly confident about something inaccurately necessary.These people are usually too confident about something. In the book Pangloss is a teacher who taught the the metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology.

    B- I think that Voltaire is humorously criticizing how people can show to be too confident when they are not really and this shows that everyone is wrong somehow. He is also criticizing how some teachings just lie about everything so they can just get u to do what they want to do.


  57. a.Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh is the owner of a castle that is in westphalia. He has a lot of power and is considered one of the "best" baron's/nobles's. In the book the Baron gets angry when he see's Candide kissing his daughter, Cunegonde.

    b.Voltaire humorously criticizes the Baron in this novel to show societys ignorance. He wanted to show that even though he seems to have a lot of power and a castle, unlike other people, he still didnt have a great deal of power.

    c. 1.

  58. Marriage based on generations of nobility
    a) I learned that during the time period Voltaire wrote this book; women would marry a man based on nobility or social status.This was determined by a mans quarting or social class. Women always wanted to marry a man of high class.

    b) Voltaire was humorously critizing women in this topic because he explains how women would only marry men of high social classes.For example Candide mother didnt want to marry Candides father because he couldnt prove his seventy one quarterings that would determine his social status/classification.


  59. (A) I learned three things one during Voltaire’s time woman married to a higher class depending on the man’s social class (Voltaire 17-19). Two is that the name candied means dazzling white and it is a females name in the book it is given to a male. Three is that during that time period people believed that everything was created for a good reason (Voltaire 18).

    (B) Voltaire is humorously criticizing a male having a females name during that time period he would probably be criticizing how ignorant society is because one realizes that he has a female name.

    Pages 17-19 Candide by: Voltaire

  60. Topic: Marrying based on generations of nobility

    A.) I learned that Candide lives in the castle of the Baron of Thunder-ten-tronckh in Westphalia. (Voltaire 15). Candide is the illegitimate son of the Baron’s sister.
    Candide’s mother refused to marry his father because his father’s family tree could only be traced through seventy-one generations of nobility (Voltaire 15). Apparently the Baron has a daughter named Cunegonde and she happens to be an extremely beauty. Cunegonde, the baron’s daughter was deeply interested in the science. Therefore, Cunegonde stops and observes experiments that were performed by Dr.Pangloss. Dr.Pangloss was the greatest philosopher in the province (Voltaire 16). One day when Candide and Cunegonde where leaving the table after dinner, they found themselves behind a screen (Voltaire 16). They flirt and steal a kiss, then the Baron happens to past by the screen and he catches Cunegonde and Candide. He gets furious and he drove’s Candide from the castle with vigorous kicks in the backside (Voltaire 17).

    B.) Voltaire is humorously criticizing the power that people have. Voltaire shows his criticism in the book by telling the reader how Candide’s mother refused to marry his father because his father’s family tree could only be traced through seventy-one generations of nobility (Voltaire 15). During Candide’s time, low class were the least marry ones since everyone wanted to marry the ones who had high class and powerful backgrounds.

    The book Candide by Voltaire, Chapter 1.
